Rejoice ... Pray ... Give thanks ...
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Think back fifty years. The year was 1973. Are your thoughts back to that year?
The three words above have special meaning for our family. Our youngest son was born in June of 1973. Five months later he became seriously ill. I called my wife and shared that Dr. John instructed us to immediately take our son to Cedars-Sinai Hospital.
After several hours, we were told to go home and come back the next morning. We were told he had spinal meningitis and IF he survived, it would not be well with him. We shared that we entrusted him to
our Lord. After a month-long hospitalization, we were able to take him home. Christmas Day of that year, we joyfully took him to church with us and gave thanks for his and Jesus’ birth.
William Balke
Gresham, OR
Dear Lord, in jubilation, we give thanks to you for your many gifts to us. Amen.
Reflect: Sing the hymn “Let Us All with Gladsome Voice” (LH 97; LW 42).
Read: Luke 2:1-20 and Philippians 4:8-9