... if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another ...
1 John 1:7
My friend, Melanie, has invited young women into her home for the past two years for meals and short Bible study lessons. Over a hot breakfast every Thursday morning they engage in lively conversation while they learn how to make biscuits, organize a kitchen, and cultivate Christian friendships.
My neighbor, Wayne, joins a group of men at a fast-food restaurant every Friday morning. After a devotional, they pray, eat, laugh, and enjoy fellowship.
When we walk in the light of Jesus, we find joy in the company of other believers. We can share a skill we’ve learned, invite a friend to Bible study, offer to pray for specific needs, or simply listen with compassion to someone facing challenges.
Jeannie Waters
Macon, GA
Dear Father, as I walk with you, help me to serve others in Christian fellowship. Amen.
Reflect: How can you use your God-given gifts and experiences to add value to fellowship with others?
Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 and Acts 2:42