Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
When people carol, they may bring jingle bells to add joy. In Exodus 28:33, God told the Israelites to take the robes of the high priest and “on its hem you shall make pomegranates ... with bells of gold between them.” Thus, the high priest could joyfully worship God with bells at the Holy of Holies.
Maybe Paul thought about these bells when he wrote “Rejoice in the Lord always ...” (Philippians 4:9). Now, Paul wrote this epistle in prison, hardly a joyful place. But he still rejoiced that through Jesus he could enter God’s throne room and joyfully experience his love.
We can also rejoice as we enter God’s throne room in prayer through Jesus. During this season, be ready to ring out and praise the Lord!
Paul Hoffman
Parma, OH
Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me in Christ so I can always rejoice! Amen.
Reflect: Plan times when you and your family can sing and ring bells! Rejoice in the Lord!
Read: 2 Chronicles 30:24-26 and Philippians 4:10-13