In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
This verse hangs in our home as a reminder, not only about the truth that trials, troubles, problems, and challenges will be our experiences in life, but more importantly, about the promise of Jesus and his sovereign power.
Knowing Jesus is not scrambling to solve or overcome our troubles and trials as each one appears, but he has already overcome them is the assurance we need in life. These words are especially comforting as our troubles arise. The trials we experience are not unique to us but common to aging — limited finances, health challenges, trusting God for healing after loss, learning to maneuver in an increasingly dark, unstable, and unpredictable world. We remain hopeful knowing the promise of Jesus holds firm and applies to every generation and every age.
Cheryl-Ann Lewis
Elyria, OH
Jesus, we are both comforted and strengthened by your promise. Amen.
Reflect: Pause to thank Jesus for overcoming every one of your trials.
Read: Psalm 46 and Romans 8:35-39