“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth ...?”
Job 38:4
There are people who believe in the Big Bang Theory, which maintains there was a large fireball floating around that exploded one day — and poof — the world began. Others believe that God created the world, but then disappeared to let it run on its own. However, believers contend that God created the world and is still active in it today.
Job had no answers to all of the Lord’s questions to him. As a human, Job, nor us, can answer how God created and still sustains the world. Yet, God’s presence is everywhere from the tiniest blossom on the spring trees to the amazing and miraculous details of conception and birth. God has always been in the world — and he continues to be through eternity!
Celeste Cummins
Storm Lake, IA
Heavenly Father, what an amazing world you have created and continue to sustain! Help me to appreciate the beauty of each day. Amen.
Reflect: Meditate on the words of the song, “He Lives” by Alfred H. Ackley.
Read: Psalm 90:1-2 and Deuteronomy 33:27a