“Come, everyone who thirsts ... Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”
Isaiah 55:1
How many of us like waiting? Yet here we are observing Advent, waiting for the birth of the Christ, the promised Messiah. The Israelites heard this promise throughout their lives and didn’t see the Savior. Neither have we. They believed a promise; we believe the witnesses in God’s Word.
Isaiah’s invitation is from God, free for the taking, yet hard to believe. Harder to believe is God’s patience waiting for Israel to return to him, waiting for us to see his love. God was patient when I questioned, struggling to trust, but he was with me from the day I was baptized, is present now, and will be with me always. May we all rest in the faithfulness of our Maker.
Judy Scherr
Lemay, MO
Dear God, guide our hearts to accept your invitation to salvation and know your love. Amen.
Reflect: After decorations are taken down, the light of Jesus will remain for us until he comes again.
Read: Isaiah 55:1-7 and John 6:27-35