... let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
1 John 3:18
When witnessing about God, we speak of his great love and what he has done for us. With great joy, we proclaim the comforting and reassuring message of salvation through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But words alone are not enough. We cannot just speak the word of God. We must live it and show it. Our actions show that God’s love for all people is real. The adage, “actions speak louder than words,” certainly applies to our Christian witnessing and lives. By giving of our time, our abilities, and our money; by offering help to those in distress; by giving of our love, compassion, and companionship to the lonely, the sick, the homeless, or those in prison, we are showing that God’s love and mercy is for all people.
Gordon E. Freese
St. Louis, MO
Dear Father, show me opportunities to serve others and to tell them of your love. Amen.
Reflect: Study and meditate upon what Jesus has to say concerning serving others.
Read: Matthew 25:35-40 and James 1:22