I have been young, and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken ...
Psalm 37:25
Confined to a nursing home due to her advanced dementia, my grandmother seemed to be reverting further and further into her early years, even lapsing into the German language she had not spoken for eight decades. As my mother prepared her for bed one evening, Grandma closed her eyes and prayed, “Ich bin klein, mein Herz ist rein ...”, the prayer she had learned as a little girl.
What a beautiful picture of a Christian life! As a child redeemed by Jesus’ blood, she had received faith at her baptism long ago. Taught by Christian parents, pastors, and teachers, she had grown in that faith for 86 years, kept faithful and faith-filled by the Holy Spirit. Now, as death approached, she rested securely in the faith that had sustained her.
Eileen Ritter
Byron Center, MI
Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Keep us steadfast in our baptismal faith unto life’s end. Amen.
Reflect: Many people helped you grow in your faith. How can you do the same for a young person today?
Read: Psalm 90 and 2 Timothy 1:3-7