I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner also for Christ Jesus.
Philemon 1:9
There was a time when I considered aging to be a sentence of loneliness, locked up with one’s memories and exhaustion. The elderly looked imprisoned to me, bound by weakness.
Yet I’ve grown to appreciate that my limitations need not direct me. My Lord does. Rather than being chained to the past, I’m excited to learn more about Jesus. Instead of struggling to climb the tennis ladder or gain corporate status, I am motivated to share about God. I want to be confined in his hope and bound by a duty to share it.
Yes, the holy word detains me. I am a prisoner of Christ who loves me in a way I’m just beginning to grasp!
Lisa Heule
Littleton, CO
Christ, keep me captive in your embrace, and never let me go. Amen.
Reflect: How does Christ inspire you within your boundaries?
Read: 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Revelation 17:14