Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast loves endures forever.
Psalm 136:1
The Hebrew people liked repetition when they prayed. Read through the Psalms some time and see how many times the Psalmist repeats himself, especially in Psalm 136. We believe that most of the Psalms were prayed by King David, who had a heart for prayer. Our Lord helped Americans bring our country into being some 200 years ago. We are a very blessed country — just consider the peace we enjoy. We have been blessed, and blessed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, too, preached frequently throughout our 50 states. What a blessing! How can we not repeat our thanks? Repetition in our prayers, like the Psalmist, expresses our endless gratitude for God’s love, the safe keeping he gives us in this land, and the freedom we enjoy to worship him.
Gordon Beck
Williamsburg, VA
Lord Jesus, thank you for protecting our freedom to worship you. We ask you to grant us godly leaders. Amen.
Reflect: List all the blessings you enjoy in your life. Give thanks for them daily.
Read: Psalm 135 and Psalm 136