Now Simon’s mother-in-law was ill with a high fever ... (Jesus) rebuked the fever ... and immediately she ... began to serve them.
Luke 4:38-39
One of the Epiphany texts from Luke’s Gospel records a small personal incident during Jesus’ healing ministry in Galilee. After preaching and healing in the Capernaum synagogue, he rests at Simon’s home. Learning that Simon’s mother-in-law lies ill with a high fever, he heals her miraculously. “Immediately she began to serve them.” Gladly and humbly, she serves her guests in response to Jesus’ gift of healing. Many years ago, our dear friend developed a serious illness requiring hospitalization in a distant city. Her Savior healed her. Today she prayerfully serves as hostess in her home, helps many people in practical ways, and sends thoughtful cards to people needing encouragement. She and her supportive husband serve quietly together in response to God’s overwhelming gifts.
Stephen J. Carter
Oakville, MO
Healing Lord, touch our hearts to serve. Amen.
Reflect: In response to your Savior’s healing love, explore ways to serve where you live.
Read: Luke 4:31-41 and 1 Peter 4:10