Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24
A friend recently wrote me that she had been sitting in her doctor’s office waiting for her scheduled appointment when she suddenly had a heart attack. Some might see that as convenient, a remarkable coincidence, or a lucky break. As Christians, we recognize it as God’s perfect timing. She was grateful, looking back later, that she was in a place where immediate help was available from medical personnel who knew what to do.
We may not always experience such a quick response to our problems and/or prayers, but God is always there to help — in his time and in his way. All we need to do is ask. Pray! Pray! And give thanks!!
Harriet Monn Stennfeld
Fort Wayne, IN
Dear Father, thank you that we can come to you with ALL our needs and trust your holy will for us in answering. Amen.
Reflect: Think of a time when God provided help for one of your needs even before you asked.
Read: Psalm 50:15 and Luke 11:9