I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has granted us, and the great goodness ...
Isaiah 63:7
The Creator of heaven and earth created male and female in his own image, the image of God. God is our Heavenly Father!
Adam and Eve didn’t know what sin was in the Garden of Eden. God gave them the gift of a world of love to care for.
Man continues, even today, to disobey God’s Commandments. The Devil is at work to lead us on a dark path away from God.
God loves us so much that he sent his own Son from heaven to die a terrible death on a cross to defeat the Devil for you and for me.
As Baptized Christians, we are guaranteed an eternal home in heaven when our journey on earth is finished. This is God’s Eternal Love.
William (Bill) Biester
Mesa, AZ
Eternal Father, your love is forever. Walk with us that we might show the path of eternal life to others. Amen.
Reflect: Remember that God is always and forever with us.
Read: Matthew 28:20 and Isaiah 41:10