I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers, night and day.
2 Timothy 1:3
Thinking about all the different instructional material given by St. Paul in his 13 letters, do we wonder how all his joy and peace could be ours? Just ponder all the advice that fills those letters to the young pastor, Timothy.
God chose Paul, a persecutor of Christians, and forgave him. We may wonder how all Christ’s peace, patience, and faithfulness can really be poured into us.
The little challenges that creep into the everyday activities divert us from the lessons we learned from our ancestors. We know about the prayers from our families and church members. A better way cannot be found than to remember our daily prayers. How joyful can we be when we daily begin and end in God’s forgiveness in Christ.
Dave Gruenhagen
Prescott Valley, AZ
Dear Lord, thank you for choosing Paul, Timothy, and me. May your love be present in my life. In Jesus name. Amen.
Reflect: Review the different experiences God has placed in your life.
Read: 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy