“Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
Matthew 1:23
Memories of Christmas Eve: Around 1950, speaking from the pulpit of Trinity, Indianapolis, in my role as little Isaiah at our Children’s Christmas Eve Service ...
In the 1970s, as a Pastor, going Christmas caroling with a couples’ group from St. John’s, Peru, IN, singing “Stille Nacht” in the home of a German couple which brought tears to their eyes and ours ...
Gathering often in the 2000s on Christmas at our St. Louis home with our children, their spouses, and seven grandchildren from Minnesota and Kansas.
Always we gathered at the Bethlehem manger of the Christ Child who is Immanuel, “God with us,” through the Biblical ages and in the past, present, and future of our family.
Stephen J. Carter
Oakville, MO
Immanuel, thanks for bringing us together on this Christmas Eve. Amen.
Reflect: By grace see Jesus the Savior as “God with us” today and forever.
Read: Matthew 1:18-25 and Isaiah 7:10-14