Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country …”
Genesis 12:1
Using 21st century calculations, Abraham was older when, loosely translated, God said to him, “Take up your tent and GO! Tell the family of your plans, pack up the tents, organize the workers, the livestock, the camels, don’t dawdle, GO!”
Abram’s story of faith, courage, and obedience is for all ages. We may be getting older, but the message for us is to keep on GOing and GOing. When God gives us a promise in his Word, he also makes preparations to fulfill that promise. God’s promises are not just words, they are his action in our lives when we trust him. Jesus’ earthly GO path led him to live, die, and rise again for your salvation.
So, pick up your tent and take the GO path of worship, study, prayer, and service.
Elise Koenemann
New Haven, IN
Lord, I need a push to go. Help me. Amen.
Reflect: Where is your GO path leading today?
Read: Isaiah 41:8-10 and Psalm 15:1-2