... Praise our God, all you his servants ...
Revelation 19:5
Samuel Adams is said to have coined the phrase “Give credit where credit is due.” Often people such as successful singers, champion athletes, and award-winning actors publicly give credit to their support team. Giving credit can be a sign of humility and appreciation for help they have received.
How appropriate it is for us to give credit to God! He created the world and all its beauty. He supports our every breath and heartbeat. He walks with us through our darkest times. He has conquered sin and death through his son, Jesus. Surely our God deserves praise for who he is and what he does. Praise our God!
Jill Rodenbeck
Fort Wayne, IN
Dearest Lord of the Universe, we praise you for caring, saving, and supporting us. Make us bold to give you credit. Amen.
Reflect: In what ways can you give God credit for his mighty acts in your life?
Read: Luke 19:37-40 and Psalm 150