Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.
Proverbs 11:25
As children of faith, we serve as ambassadors for Jesus Christ, extending his love to people around us. We listen to their troubles, send cards of encouragement, buy groceries for them, and send texts that show we care. We drive those unable to drive, we read to those who cannot read, we sing with them, we offer companionship and reconciliation. We pray together.
This Bible verse reminds us that these acts of service enrich both the giver and the recipient. If we water, we will be watered. We receive refreshing renewal from our savior when extending his love.
MaryAnn Sundby
Castle Rock, CO
Dear Jesus, help me tend to the needs of my neighbor and offer your love and reconciliation where possible. Grant me a servant’s heart to bring your goodness to others and not tire or grow weary. Amen.
Reflect: How does Jesus help us bring blessings to others?
Read: Matthew 25:34-36 and Isaiah 40:28-31