Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
My Mom always reminded me to write thank you cards whenever I received a gift from someone. Otherwise, I’d forget. Nowadays, I have to write notes to remind myself to write thank you cards because I still forget.
With distractions swirling, forgetting is easy. How often do we forget to thank our Lord? I admit, giving thanks — and praise — is not part of my daily routine, but it should be. Jesus Christ came into the world, giving his life to us for our salvation.
Uniting with Jesus surrounds us with good. That gift of goodness is meant to make something beautiful out of our lives even in our struggles. Christ shows us the way. All praise and thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior!
Carol Monaco
Bethesda, MD
Dear Lord, for the goodness you give, help me to be truly thankful and sing your praises. Amen.
Reflect: When you awake, give thanks and praise. When you go to bed, give thanks and praise.
Read: Isaiah 12:1-5 and Colossians 3:12-17