“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14
Conspiracies, political division, racial unrest, riots, violence, mass murders. What’s a Christian doing in such a time as this?
Long ago, evil Haman tricked King Ahasuerus into ordering the death of the Jews in Persia. When Queen Esther heard, she trembled — should she risk her own life and position to confront the king on her people’s behalf? Cousin Mordecai advised, “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Through his servant, Esther, God preserved his chosen people.
In our troubled world today, you are the instrument God created for such a time as this. In darkness, share his light; amidst hatred, live the love of Jesus for everyone.
Eileen Ritter
Byron Center, MI
Lord, use me as your instrument in a time such as this. Amen.
Reflect: Instead of wringing your hands, fold them in prayer. Then use them to serve your neighbors in love.
Read: Esther 1-10 (a long reading, but what a story!)