For he is like a refiner’s fire ...
Malachi 3:2b
Wildfires are a fact of life in Colorado. It is not a question of whether a fire will break out, but when and where. I have been on scene of two wildfires.
The power is awe inspiring. The smell is unmistakable. The roar is terrifying. The aftermath causes your heart to weep at the devastation.
And yet, we need fire in our lives. We need light and warmth and food. Most of all, we need refining. We need to have the impure undergrowth of our sins burnt out of our hearts.
Physically, after fire is gone, there is hope for a new beginning: plants and animals return to the forest lands. Spiritually, the Holy Spirit can fill our hearts and minds anew. We can see how we are to use our gifts in service to God’s people. And using our gifts, we are drawn nearer to God.
Gayle Jones
Highlands Ranch, CO
Father, pour the Holy Spirit on us. Amen.
Reflect: What gifts has God given you to help others? Have you been neglecting them?
Read: Acts 2:3-4 and Romans 11:29 & 12:5-6