But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus ...
Acts 20:24
Most of us are not of the age to do much running. Those days are over, but many of us still can do some stretching at our local recreational center — and meet others at the same time. Some of those people we have gotten to know are now friends. Have you asked them whether they believe in Jesus? Or if they attend a weekly worship service? These are your opportunities that are part of the race you run because Jesus Christ is your Lord. He guides you from day to day when you’re out in your daily activities.
This is your ministry; actively engaging people with the Spirit of Jesus who, throughout his life, graciously engaged people, even from the cross. There he knew our greatest need, our need to be forgiven of our sins.
Gordon Beck
Williamsburg, VA
Jesus, enable and empower us to engage in other people’s lives with your gracious mercy. Amen.
Reflect: Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable us to finish our race conscious of the needs of others.
Read: Acts 2:1-4 and Hebrews 12:1-2