... in your presence there is fullness of joy ...
Psalm 16:11
As you read stories in scripture, it is amazing how God reveals his divine presence at various times and places. God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. God spoke to Joshua for preparing his people to enter the promised land. God sent Jesus, our Savior, who would relate to our fears, hurts, and anxieties. God sent Jesus to the cross so that we could be saved by his death and resurrection.
Take the time to pursue a joyful relationship with God through prayer and worship. We are chosen by God, accepted by God, and loved by God. God is present in every moment of your life to give you joy. He is waiting to reach out to you and to help you live a life empowered by the Spirit.
David Bever
Las Vegas, NV
Lord, help me to feel your joyful divine presence this week. Amen.
Reflect: Pursue a joyful relationship with God during your quiet and busy times.
Read: Deuteronomy 31:8 and Joshua 1:5-9