When I thought, “My foot slips,” your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
Psalm 94:18
When we were born, all of us had a fear of falling. Infants naturally fear falling, and many of us have been afraid of heights for years. The fear of falling is part of the human condition.
As we age, the fear of falling can intensify. We know that one fall can lead to a loss of freedom. So, our steps are more careful and measured even when conditions aren’t icy or slick.
Isn’t it a comfort to know the Lord cares about each step we take? He sends angels to guard our steps and eases our fears the more we trust him. If your fear of falling has been testing your faith, let it be a reminder that God loves you and is holding you up.
Sarah Geringer
Jackson, MO
Lord, guide my steps and hold me up with your steadfast love. Amen.
Reflect: Each time the fear of falling rises in you, make it a call to prayer.
Read: Psalm 37:31 and Psalm 91:11