I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4
“If you’re like me, you try to avoid anything that scares you, but today I invite you to share what frightens you the most.” I was leading a women’s retreat, and my topic was, “Slaying the Dragon of Worry.”
Julie raised her hand. “I fear dying alone.” Several others nodded. After we listed other fears, we dug into God’s Word and learned that it contains promises that answer all our concerns. Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit to live with us and in us forever (John 14:16-17) gave us all great comfort. At the end of our session, Julie again raised her hand. “If I believe what God’s Word says is true — and I do — then I have no reason to fear.” Julie wasn’t the only one who learned we can take our fears to God and trust him to provide everything we need to face them.
Lori Hatcher
Lexington, SC
Father, thank you for promises to help us fight our fears. Amen.
Reflect: What fear troubles you most? God’s Word promises to help you face it.
Read: Psalm 56:3-4 and Psalm 119:165