Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
One of the blessings the Lord grants us as we age is extra prayer time. We often have open time in our schedules, and one of the best ways we can use it is to pray for others.
If you feel restless or bored, jot down ten people for whom you will pray each day. Write down ten ways you can pray for your country, church, or town. Soon, you’ll have many reasons to pray, and God loves hearing your prayers!
Though your schedule may have slowed down, you are a highly valuable member of God’s prayer team. The extra prayer time you give each day will bless others and strengthen your faith. Bonus: the more you pray, the more reasons you’ll find to rejoice and thank God.
Sarah Geringer
Jackson, MO
Lord, give me new inspiration and extra time to pray for others every day. Amen.
Reflect: Journal your prayers so you can track how God answers them.
Read: Acts 10:1-2 and James 5:16