Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.
Psalm 43:4
Those Magi. We don’t know how many, their origin, their gender, their age. But we know that they were wise. Wisdom often comes with years of experience, so they surely might be classified like us, as “seniors.” They saw something new in the sky and wanted to journey to find out more. Off they went in the search with joy in their hearts. After visiting Herod, they set out for Bethlehem. When seeing the star again, “they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” They were going to see the King! He was the Messiah, here to save the world. Not just joy. It was exceeding joy. Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy to the third power!
It rings in our hearts as well. We just have to share that Good News!
Don Luepke
Fremont, IN
Jesus, how great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in heaven on high! Amen.
Reflect: Find the lyrics to “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Heart” and sing it with gusto!
Read: Matthew 2:1-12 and Psalm 16:11