“Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away?”
Jeremiah 23:23
My parents and grandparents taught me God is always close to us. When we were young, my sister and I prayed together before bed, giving thanks for our brothers, our dog, and things like popsicles and new bikes! Much later, I began to be grateful for Christ’s miraculous action in my life, like reaching a hiking summit or receiving a perfect job offer.
Now, I tend to notice our Lord in small details, in simple moving experiences. A scientific discovery about nature excites me. The cinnamon scent of my neighbor’s baking comforts me. My husband’s understanding brings peace. My grandmother’s photo offers love. I’m grateful he will forever be present in my changing daily experiences.
Lisa Heule
Littleton, CO
Father, thank you for coming close to me, in large and small ways. Amen.
Reflect: How did you feel Christ at hand today?
Read: Jeremiah 23:23-27 and Revelation 5:13