Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ...
Matthew 28:19
Jesus had several intentional ministries beginning with the one to gain our salvation though his death. He had a teaching and healing ministry. Jesus also trained disciples to carry on his work on earth.
One definition of a disciple is, A passionate follower who knows Christ, grows in Christ, and shows Christ in their daily lives. As believers in Christ and based on his commissioning — we are to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:20).
To accomplish this, we need to be reading the Word regularly. This is especially true regarding the four Gospels as they contain Jesus’ timeless teachings. We need to apply his words to our lives, and help others do the same — as we all mature in our walk with him, and our work for him.
Dan Kohn
Antigo, WI
Oh, Spirit of God, thank you for giving our lives meaning through discipleship. Amen.
Reflect: In your circle of influence, who needs to hear the good news of Christ?
Read: Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 2