Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
I sat quietly and marveled at her “soft” skills. Chris was the ideal nursing home visitor. Her calm, attentive, listening reflected honest empathy. No wonder the patient was grateful to feel understood and supported!
As we left the room, I thought of how Jesus modeled this level of deep listening. He expressed heartfelt compassion when he healed the crippled woman, responded to the hungry crowds, and saw Lazarus’ friends crying.
Although we crave human connections, our sinful nature can get in the way. Even after so many years, I tend to jump directly into a conversation or fast-forward to quick answers. I’m often tempted to tie into my emotion instead of hear what others say. Expressing compassion is not merely the shortest road between two people, but also reflects the fact that Christ works through us.
Mary Manz Simon
Ft. Myers, FL
Dear Jesus, may compassionate human connections reflect your presence within me. Amen.
Reflect: In what way does expressing empathy require courage?
Read: Matthew 9:35-36 and Galatians 2:20