Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!
Psalm 149:3
My favorite days are “dancing days!” I attend a fitness dance class at a local church. The hour of fun music and exercise goes by too quickly! Besides the physical benefits, studies have shown that dancing helps reduce our chances of developing dementia. Our classes end with prayer, which often includes personal requests. Coffee and “Chuckle Time” with good friends complete my joy-filled morning.
According to my NIV Concordance there are 246 scripture verses containing the words joy, joyful, and joyous. It’s no wonder that I look forward to my morning of dancing. My body, mind, and spiritual needs are enriched, and I look forward to the rest of my day!
Clare Hilgendorf
Appleton, WI
Dear Lord, help me find joy in the simple activities of my life. Give me opportunities to share this joy with others. Amen.
Reflect: What activities do you enjoy that allow you focus on your body, mind, and soul?
Read: Jeremiah 31:4 and Jeremiah 31:13