And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.
Luke 1:31
Every year, as Christmas approaches, I ask my daughters to provide wish lists for their family members, so I know how to shop for their gifts. We all agree, however, that while it’s nice to exchange presents, the best gift of all is when we can be present with one another.
Our God likes giving gifts too. In fact, he knows our needs and our desires before we even tell him, and never fails to deliver. However, his greatest gift to us is his presence. As we get ready to celebrate Christmas, we remember the gift of his Son, Jesus. What a wonderful blessing that we not only look forward to being with our Lord in heaven someday, but that he is always with us, comforting, guiding, celebrating, blessing, and loving us.
Sandi Geis
St. Louis, MO
Thank you, Jesus, for your presence with me. Help me celebrate you not only at Christmas, but every day as you walk by my side. Amen.
Reflect: Give thanks and celebrate the miracle of Jesus’ presence in every moment of your life.
Read: Psalm 23 and Matthew 28:18-20