Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord ...”
Luke 1:46
Magnification accomplishes a couple of things; it makes objects bigger and clearer. What a good goal for our souls: to make Jesus larger and clearer to those around us!
Our world is in desperate need of knowing God more clearly. That was one reason Jesus came into our world: to show us what the Father was like. He was a flesh and blood representation of God’s love, compassion, and grace. Even in the church, and certainly in the world, Jesus needs to play a larger role in our interactions with others.
Mary did a great job of magnifying the Lord; she delivered God’s Son to the world! We need to ask ourselves if our souls are “magnifying” God’s love to those around us.
Linda Winterhoff
Williamsburg, VA
Dear Lord, show me ways I can make you clearer and larger to those you have put in my life. Amen.
Reflect: Who will I interact with today that needs a clearer understanding of the Lord?
Read: John 3:30 and Matthew 22:37