... and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.
Proverbs 27:9b
BFF stands for Best Friends Forever. It’s a term of endearment for selected close friends. Some of our friends have come and gone, but a few have remained through our sad and glad times. God’s Word gives us examples of special friends. We’ve learned about David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, and Jesus’ friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Jesus gives us purpose to be a friend who helps and encourages and “is quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19b).
At times, it may become hard to stay in touch with far away friends, but we have one constant, and his name is Jesus! “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (LSB 770). No phone calls, texting, or postage is needed. He is always with us! He is our BFF.
Clare Hilgendorf
Appleton, WI
Lord, help me to be a compassionate friend. Amen.
Reflect: Think of special ways to show your friends you care about them.
Read: John 15:13 and Proverbs 18:24