Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the one who takes refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8
As we begin a new year, we start a new chapter in life. Everything is beginning anew. I anticipate and look forward to how the Lord will direct my walk with him. But rarely do my ideas align with the plans he has for me. There are forks in the road and many detours. With all that said, I’ve learned to trust in him; for his plans are better than anything I could ever imagine. After all, he is all-knowing and ultimately sees what is best for us.
Trust in his plans. Thank and praise him for the gift he has given you — the promise of eternal life with him in Heaven! Show your thanks and use your gifts to serve him!
Betsy Becker Niedringhaus
Ballwin, MO
Heavenly Father, thank you for the closed doors in my life that cause me to listen to your will. Amen.
Reflect: How can you obey God throughout all circumstances?
Read: Psalm 34 and Jeremiah 29:11-13