Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In my youth I could not wait to grow up. I would then be free to do what I wanted. For many years, I have enjoyed being independent. As a senior, however, I am increasingly aware of my need for other people.
During a recent stay in a hospital, for example, I was totally dependent on medical professionals. Orderlies, lab technicians, nurses, and doctors worked diligently to treat my condition and get me feeling well again.
I saw how well they cared for me and other patients. I thanked them for all that they did while I was in their care. In my prayers to God, I expressed my gratitude to him for having them available when I needed them.
Robert Gilbert
Richardson, TX
Dear Father, I appreciate all those you have placed in my life. May I show thanks for them daily. Amen.
Reflect: Who has helped you in your time of need? Who could you assist with their needs?
Read: Psalm 9:1 and Romans 8:28