In God we have boasted continually, and we will give thanks to your name forever.
Psalm 44:8
I have become much more boastful in the last couple of years. There are two reasons for that — Aspen and Laura, my wonderful granddaughters! Every day they give me a new reason to take delight in them and boast about their characters and accomplishments. They are incredibly smart, loving, kind-hearted and talented. Shall I go on? My grandchildren remind me of another reason to boast — my relationship with my awesome God! Every day, he gives me new reasons to take delight in him and boast about his character and accomplishments. His wisdom no one can fathom. He loves me so much he gave his own Son, Jesus, to die for me. His kindness knows no bounds. There is nothing he cannot do. Shall I go on? Yes! I will boast continually of the greatness of my God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Sandi Geis
St. Louis, MO
Lord, God, let me never forget to proclaim your greatness every day. Amen.
Reflect: Consider how God has accomplished great things in your life, then boast about him!
Read: 2 Samuel 7:18-24 and 2 Corinthians 10:17