... therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7
Somewhere in my early schooling, I learned this saying: An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. True on so many levels!
If our minds are filled with godly thoughts and devotion, which includes thankfulness, there is less room for the devil to enter. Basic to thankfulness is knowing who we are — God’s children — and his love for us. Not only did Jesus die for us, but we are also gifted with the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and minds. What better guarantee is there?
It is simple: Fill our hearts and minds with thankfulness, praise God for what he has given us, which motivates us to serve others, and it all adds up to obedience.
Judy Scherr
Lemay, MO
Hear our prayer, Father in heaven; fill our hearts and minds with your Spirit and your Word. Amen.
Reflect: Gratitude is a starter for many good things.
Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Romans 8:5-11