... when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.”
Matthew 9:2
In our first reading, Jesus forgave the paralytic’s sins before he healed him. But that’s not why his friends lowered him through the roof. Why did Jesus start with the spiritual, and then move to the physical? For a little while, the paralytic was still paralyzed, but for now he was forgiven in a life-changing way. Wouldn’t that be enough?
In our second reading, the rich young man was nearly a disciple seeing as Jesus offered, “Come follow Me!” ... but his lucrative life got in the way. Again, Jesus starts with the spiritual by telling him how to have eternal life, and then pivots to his physical possessions. Isn’t that enough? These two Biblical accounts remind us that our Lord’s priority is to always put the spiritual first.
Dianna Hitchler
Onalaska, WI
Healing Lord, help our treasure to be where our heart is — close to you (Matthew 6:21)! Amen.
Reflect: Discuss which is more difficult for you: To help someone spiritually or physically.
Read: Matthew 9:1-8 and Matthew 19:16-23