Therefore an overseer must be above reproach ...
1 Timothy 3:2a
Remember when “preserving the family name” was noble? Robust words like integrity, dignity, and respectability come to mind. Honoring our forefathers was expected, and even revered. We conducted ourselves differently with unspoken societal corrections. Although those higher standards seem to be missing these days, God’s standards don’t change.
God adopted us and gave us HIS “family name.” It’s not just overseers who need to live above reproach, we all do. This involves using discretion, avoiding circumstantial suspicion, and being blameless (not sinless, that’s impossible). We need to live as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, sanctified, forgiven saints ... HOLY. Not just to stay “in God’s good graces” or so others will notice, but so the Lord will be glorified as we hallow his Name.
Dianna Hitchler
Onalaska, WI
Perfect Jesus, show me areas in my life that are not above reproach. Amen.
Reflect: Study the difference between being blameless and being sinless.
Read: 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:9-12