Do not be anxious about anything ...
Philippians 4:6a
Trials. Such a sad word. It seems that older adults hear that word more often as the years go by. My conversations with friends changed when I turned 65. Yes, pictures of grandchildren were passed around. But usually we talked about our medications, our doctors’ visits, and Medicare. When we approached our 70’s, the conversations turned to surgical procedures and the possibility of moving into assisted living. Many of us in our 80’s are realizing how difficult it is to travel.
How do we face these trials? We turn to Scripture and our Lord. He faced horrific trials and has gone ahead to smooth the path for us. The words, “I am the Resurrection and the life ...” remind me that he has fought the battle for us. Our trials became his trials — we have nothing to fear.
Jan Bathke
Eau Claire, WI
Dear Comforter, spread your blanket of love over me and keep me in your arms. Amen.
Reflect: Spend time listening to and praying for those who need God’s peace.
Read: Proverbs 3:5-6 and Matthew 11:28