Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
Proverbs 14:34
My favorite hymn to sing and play in the Lutheran Hymnal is “Thy Strong Word.” A befitting title for a song celebrating the faithfulness of God. Reproach is another strong word.
Sin and shame, however, made Adam hide from God in the Garden of Eden when God wanted to draw near to him. God saw our sin, but he covered it as well. When Jesus took our place on the cross, his blood covered our sin. Since Jesus bore all sin for us, we are no longer a reproach to God. Instead, we are part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people loved by God.
When we pray or draw near to God in worship, we can rejoice that we are no longer a reproach, but welcomed and dearly loved.
Cheryl-Ann Lewis
Elyria, OH
Jesus, because of your death on the cross I’m no longer a reproach to God. Amen.
Reflect: Write a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus for putting his righteousness on you.
Read: Philippians 2:15 and Psalm 69:6-9