And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
Mark 16:15
When Karen and I met for lunch, our server smiled and greeted my friend, “Hello, Karen. It’s good to see you again. Look at this latest picture of my baby boy. He’s ten months old now.” Karen took the picture, complimented the child’s eyes, and asked how his sister liked her new school.
Later, I asked Karen where she’d met the server. “Oh, we met here,” Karen said. She’s going through challenging times, so I pray for her. I told her about God’s love and his plan of salvation. She plans to visit our church Sunday.”
With gratitude for her own relationship with Jesus, Karen obeys his command to share the gospel. She serves the server with sweet helpings of God’s love and the good news of Christ.
Jeannie Waters
Macon, GA
Father, provide opportunities for me to share the gospel with others. Amen.
Reflect: Before you enter a business, pray that you can share God’s love and his plan of salvation.
Read: Romans 10:10-14 and Isaiah 52:7