... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
Romans 1:12
When I spoke at my brother’s funeral, I described gifts he had given me over our lifetime together: gerbils, turtles, a Frankenstein wastebasket. All of these were memorable, but the best gift he had given me was encouragement through many frank discussions of our faith in Jesus.
I had thought we would have a couple more decades to build memories before Jesus called him or me home. I was wrong. It would have broken my heart except for that gift of encouragement: I have absolutely no doubt about my brother’s saving faith in our living Lord. Knowing God keeps his promises, I am certain of seeing my brother again with our Lord at the Resurrection. Faith conversations are the gift that keeps on giving.
Jill Rodenbeck
Fort Wayne, IN
Holy Spirit, embolden me to share my love for Jesus to all those around me. Amen.
Reflect: Be certain your loved ones know about your faith in Jesus. Talk to them at your next opportunity.
Read: Philemon 1:6 and Romans 15:4-5