“... He [Jesus] himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Acts 20:35
It’s not easy learning to be an old person. One of our jobs is to make others glad that we are still around. That especially includes our family members or caregivers who help care for our needs, which only increase as we age.
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” I’m sure that we would much rather be “givers” than “receivers.” But for others to have the opportunity to give love and share kindness, there needs to be grateful receivers.
Being a grateful receiver might be the most difficult job of our life. But it can also be a blessed opportunity to let the light and love of Christ shine through us as we graciously give others the chance to put their faith into action.
Gil Duchow
Muskego, WI
Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of old age. Help me to do a good job as your aging saint, until you take me home to heaven. Amen.
Reflect: Practice being a gracious receiver. Then, when you need more help, you can be a grateful receiver.
Read: Psalm 37:25-29 and Psalm 71:5-18