Rich Bimler
Bloomingdale, Ill
1. Affirm that aging is the only way to live!
2. Continue to grow B/Old gracefully!
3. Enjoy laughing at yourself, and smile and laugh with others!
4. Spend time with the younger and the older!
5. Tell others how much you love them!
6. EncourAGE, EncourAGE, EncourAGE!
7. Catch people doing something right!
8. Serve the lonely, the least, and the lost!
9. Keep telling the story of Jesus and His love!
10. Be ready to LIVE well, AGE well, and DIE well in the Lord!
Each morning, thank the Lord for a new day and ask him to focus you on celebrating this day as a gift to give to others. Think of special ways to share your faith with those around you. Go ahead, you can do it!
The Lord has done great things for us ... and we are filled with JOY! ~ Psalm 126:3 (NIV) ~
Dr. Rich Bimler, Bloomingdale, Ill., has served many ministry positions throughout his ministry career, including DCE, Director of Youth Ministries for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), Assistant to the LCMS Synodical President, President/CEO of Wheat Ridge Ministries, Consultant for Lutheran Life Communities, and Ministry Consultant for Lutheran Church Charities. He continues to write for “Hope-Full Living” devotional booklets and serves as the publication's editor-at-large. He is the author of 22 books and currently is focusing on enabling and celebrating God’s gift of aging.
"May our Christmas Lord continue to bless, guide, and encourage us to share the GOOD NEWS of Christ’s, birth, life, death, and Resurrection during this Christmas season ... and forever! See you at the Manger, the Cross, and the Empty Tomb!"