All are invited to come and celebrate the newest addition to Worship Anew program, the stained glass windows from Trinity Lutheran Church, Evansville, Ind. These windows were installed earlier this year and will be dedicated during a special event at 2 p.m. Sept. 29.
“As we gather in fellowship, we will pray for God’s blessing that these beloved depictions of God’s Word may continue to inspire and comfort the thousands who view Worship Anew weekly,” said Matthew Leighty, Worship Anew’s executive director. “We will also hear the cherished hymnody of the Worship Anew Choir as we celebrate this momentous occasion.”
The event will be held in the Wolf Studio at Worship Anew, 5 Martin Luther Drive, Fort Wayne, Ind., with the program beginning at 2 p.m.
The four windows (three in the studio and one in the atrium) were donated by Trinity after its closure on Dec. 27, 2020. The 180-year-old windows were restored through the work of stained glass restoration artist, Jules Mominee out of Evansville, as well as the team at Window Creations out of Ottoville, Ohio.
The three studio windows, which depict scenes from Jesus Christ’s life, serve as a backdrop to the choirs that appear on the Worship Anew program. Another stained glass window of Martin Luther resides in Worship Anew’s atrium.
“These stained glass windows are able to bring to life what we know in God’s Word,” Leighty said. “They are able to bring tremendous encouragement and comfort to so many people as they tune into this program on Worship Anew.”
The dedication is open to anyone to attend.
Since 1980, Worship Anew, headquartered in Fort Wayne, Ind., has been broadcasting weekly worship services for aging adults who seek to help them live an abundant life in Christ. Today, Worship Anew reaches thousands of people each week across the nation and around the world on television and streamed online. To learn more about Worship Anew and other ministries, including the care ministry and Hope-Full Living daily devotions, please visit