By Thomas Moll
Director of Content & Innovation
Visualization is a concept that some use to stay motivated in accomplishing goals such as a diet, workout routine, or to get through something like physical therapy. The idea is to come up with a clear vision of what it will look like after you accomplish your goal. This is used all of the time in advertising. (For example, they tell you that the smiling, happy, beautiful person can be you after you get that gym membership.)
Jesus gives James, Peter, and John an image of glory in Luke 9:28-36. As Jesus was praying, “the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white” (v. 29 ESV). While Jesus is in this transfigured state, Moses and Elijah appear and are talking to Jesus. Peter expresses a desire to set up some tents for everyone so that they can stay up on the mountain, and then a cloud forms and God speaks out of the cloud, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!” (v. 35 ESV).
So, what’s the lesson here? Is it that we should pray so hard that our clothes might turn white, and we’ll then be considered holy? God’s glory is shown to strengthen the faith of His followers who are up on the mountain with Jesus as well as the faith of His followers who find ourselves in the valley.
With the appearance of Moses and Elijah, we’re reminded that the law and the prophets point to Jesus. What an amazing gift for Peter, James, and John to see the life eternal visualized with these heroes of faith. It must have been a tremendous blessing to be able to see Jesus in His glory and to hear the voice of God, the Father!
As we enter this season of Lent, we can take all of this as an image of what we will get on the other side of our suffering in this world. Someday, we will also see Jesus in all His glory—His face shining like the sun.