The Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, speaker of The Lutheran Hour, shares his gifts of proclaiming God's Word on Worship Anew this October.
In 2018, Zeigler began working with Lutheran Hour Ministries, which is a global ministry with a flagship radio program. He will be speaking on Worship Anew on “Catastrophic Grace” on Oct. 27 for Reformation Sunday. Zeigler is returning for a second time on Worship Anew, having previously preached on the program in 2022.
Through his message, Zeigler hopes that viewers will find a new perspective on eternity and a deeper understanding of the meaning of grace.
“I hope that people will get a sense that God is the author of their stories and that they live on this great adventure. This present mortal life that we live is just the beginning,” he said. “Grace is not just a free ticket into the afterlife. ... I hope that people will see their lives as a great adventure with Jesus.”
Zeigler understands that the ministry at Worship Anew is unique, and he was able to experience that during a visit with members from his church.
“I was visiting with a member of our church maybe a year and a half ago. Her husband was really sick and was close to death and died eventually. I remember sitting in their living room in St. Louis and talking, and she had the TV on with Worship Anew,” he said, sharing her excitement to see the program. “It just became obvious to me how important this ministry was to her. ... Seeing the personal experience helped me realize the value of this ministry. You can hear about numbers, but that doesn’t make the same impact as when it’s somebody you know that it is helping.”
Zeigler is a graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a general engineering degree and served five years in the Air Force. He left active duty in 2006 to prepare to be a pastor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, completing a Master of Divinity in 2010 and a Ph.D. in 2014. He continues to serve part-time as an Air Force Reserve officer at Scott Air Force Base, Ill., and as a guest instructor at Concordia Seminary-St. Louis, in addition to his work with The Lutheran Hour.
His program will air on Oct. 27. It can be watched locally wherever Worship Anew is shown as well as online, streaming, or on our YouTube Channel. See all the ways to watch at WorshipAnew.org/programs.