By Rich Bimler
Hope-Full Living Editor-at-Large
Think of the people the Lord has placed into our lives. What a great “mission field” we live in! Try out these ideas for being intentional about “Sharing Christ” with those around you, and learn from others as well:
1. Bring a gift to a neighbor. Learn the names of the children in your neighborhood.
2. Call people on the phone who you know and haven’t seen or talked to for a while—just to say HI!
3. Learn more about people, not by only talking to them, but by also listening to their joys, struggles, and backgrounds. Offer to pray with them.
4. Talk and visit with people of all ages. We all need to talk to the older and the younger.
5. Choose a friend or three who you can talk to at any time about anything so that you can share challenges and joys.
6. If you like singing, practice sharing your voice by singing your favorite hymns with and for others. If they walk away, perhaps only try humming!
7. Look for the lonely, the lost, and the “left outs” in order to share and listen to their thoughts, struggles, and history.